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by 울13 2024. 7. 2.

Growing Sweet Potatoes

My parents decided to leave city life behind and returned to the countryside as farmers. Our family was excited at first, and we planted various plants.

Among them, the one that sticks out in my memory is sweet potatoes. I remember it clearly because the harvest was so labor-intensive. We harvested other crops as needed, whenever we wanted to eat them. But sweet potatoes required a full day of harvesting, scheduled in advance.

Sweet potatoes thrive in barren soil. But our land was so fertile that there were earthworms everywhere. This made it really hard to grow sweet potatoes.

The lesson learned from sweet potato farming is that they taste best when they are store-bought. Still, it was rewarding to see my parents enjoy farming so much.

leave city life behind 도시 생활을 떠나다

stick out in one's memory 특히 기억에 남다

labor-intensive 힘든, 손이 많이 가는

require a full day 하루 종일 걸리다

schedule in advance 사전에 계획한

thrive in barren soil 척박한 땅에서 잘 자라다

store-bought 매장에서 구입한

Dialogue Practice

A: Did you mention you harvested sweet potatoes from your parnets' field?

B: Yes, they were so big and deeply rooted that it took all day to harvest them.

A: Oh, that sounds like rough going.

B: I got bitten by mosquitoes at least 20 times. I was sore all over.

A: Didn't you say you have to go again next week?

B: Yes, my parents asked for help again, but I'm trying to find an excuse to get out of it.

rough-going 힘든 일

be sore all over 온몸이 아프다, 알이 배다

an excuse to get out of it 빠져나갈 핑계


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