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구슬쌤, Obviously https://youtu.be/T2yIEkCVZnU?si=bLnWO2GLfkvIxaLr  technically 따지고 보면Technically, I didn't do anything wrong. 따지고 보면, 난 잘못한 거 아무 것도 없어. apparently 듣자 하니, 보아 하니Apparently, she didn't get the email. 듣자 하니, 걔 이메일 못 받았대.  practically 거의 ~나 마찬가지You practically live in the office. 너 사무실에서 살다시피 하잖아.What a steal, practically free. 거의 공짜나 마찬가지네. obviously-누가 봐도 명백한 사실을 말할 때He was obviously drunk. 그는 누가 봐도.. 2025. 3. 7.
3/7 입이 트이는 영어: Drawing with Al Drawing with Al Lately, l've picked up a new hobby: creating artwork using Al. We've truly entered an era where you can simply describe what you want, and Al will create the image for you.​요즘 나에게는 AI를 이용해 그림을 그리는 새로운 취미 생활이 생겼다. 이제는 정말 원하는 그림을 말로 설명하기만 하면 AI가 대신 그려 주는 시대가 되었다. I usually recreate places l'd like to revisit or scenes from my daily life, almost like drawing in a diary. You can even.. 2025. 3. 7.
3/6 입이 트이는 영어: Raising Kids with Neighbors Raising Kids with Neighbors My mother used to look after my children, but she suddenly fell ill a few years ago. As a result, my kids started staying at daycare until dinner. Coincidentally, there was another pair of siblings at the daycare who also stayed for dinner. They were around the same age as my sons, and their mom worked even later hours at her shop than I did.​몇 년 전 우리 아이들을 봐 주시던 친정 엄마.. 2025. 3. 6.
구슬쌤, It escalated quickly. https://youtu.be/2RbUg4wEVfA?si=Z--gj8qNsN-PMW_W  go along with ~에 찬성/동의하다, 동조하다, 흐름에 따라 가다Everyone wanted to go there, I just went along with it. 모두들 거기를 가고 싶어해서, 나도 그냥 따라갔다.He brought up the idea, and we went along with it. 그가 그 아이디어를 제안해서, 우리는 그냥 따랐다.We tried to talk him into it, but he refused to go along with it. 우린 그를 설득하려 했지만 그는 따르지 않았다. * talk into 설득해서 ~하게 하다 ↔ talk out of 설득해서 ~하지 않게 하.. 2025. 3. 5.