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12/9 입이 트이는 영어: Package Tours Package Tours My husband and I don't have much experience with traveling. So, we've usually opted for package or group tours rather than self-guided tours.우리 부부는 여행 경험이 별로 없다. 그래서 자유 여행보다는 패키지 여행이나 단체 여행을 주로 선택해 왔다.​Recently, we went on a package tour with our children to Vietnam's Da Nang. The trip was being sold on a TV home shopping channel. The guide suggested optional tours that required ex.. 2024. 12. 9.
12/6 입이 트이는 영어: Lunchtime Lunchtime If there's one sweet moment in a working person's day, it would have to be lunchtime. Many workers briefly have trouble choosing what to eat, but it's still an enjoyable time. It's a break from work where you can have some time for yourself or casually meet with others.​직장인의 일과 중 꿀맛 같은 시간을 꼽으라면 점심시간일 것이다. 많은 직장인들은 메뉴 선택으로 인해 잠시 고민에 빠지긴 하지만, 그래도 즐거운 시간이다. 잠시 업무에서 벗어나 자신만을 위한 시간을 보내거나 다른.. 2024. 12. 6.
12/5 입이 트이는 영어: A Trip with My Dog A Trip with My Dog Our family lives with a two-year-old Bichon(비션) named Ari. Ari loves people, is filled with energy, and likes to turn on the charm. ​우리 가족은 2살이 된 비숑을 키우고 있는데, 이름은 아리입니다. 우리 아리는 사람들을 참 좋아하고 활달하며 애교가 많습니다. During a recent holiday, we went on a 2-day trip with our dog. There's a lot to look after when traveling with a pet. We don't feed Ari or give her water before getting in the.. 2024. 12. 5.
12/4 입이 트이는 영어: You Are What You Eat You Are What You Eat I recently watched an interesting documentary called "You Are What You Eat." The documentary begins with an experiment where identical twins who share nearly the same genes each go on a vegetarian diet and an omnivorous(옴'니'버러스) diet, to compare between the two.​최근에 나는 'You Are What You Eat'라는 흥미로운 다큐멘터리를 봤다. 다큐멘터리는 유전자가 거의 동일한 일란성 쌍둥이들에게 각각 채식성 식단과 잡식성 식단을 제공하고, 둘을 비교하는 실험으.. 2024. 12. 4.