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9/26 입이 트이는 영어: Nursing Homes Nursing Homes My 91-year-old mother's dementia took a turn for the worse this year. She is taking prescription medication, but it only slows the progression; there is no cure. 올해 91세가 되신 어머니께서 치매가 점점 심해지셨다. 치매약을 처방받아 복용하고 계시지만, 치매를 늦출 뿐이지 완쾌할 수 있는 것은 아니다. Caring for my mother at home was no easy task. So, we finally decided to place her in a nursing home. The director of the nursing home(nurser.. 2024. 9. 26.
9/25 입이 트이는 영어: Coal Briquette Volunteer Work Coal Briquette Volunteer Work I recently went to deliver coal briquettes(브리켓; 톱밥, 숯 등을 하나로 뭉쳐놓은 것) as volunteer work. I found the project through a volunteer website. Volunteers make a donation of 10,000 won which is used to purchase coal briquettes. The briquettes are the delivered to those in need.저는 최근에 한 자원봉사 사이트를 통해서 알게 된 연탄 배달 봉사 활동을 다녀왔습니다. 봉사자가 만원을 기부하면 그 돈으로 연탄을 구매하고, 도움이 필요한 분들에게 연탄을 전.. 2024. 9. 25.
9/24 입이 트이는 영어: Our "입트영" and Parenting Group Our "입트영" and Parenting Group We are an "입트영" study group that first got started(started 그냥 시작/got started 준비하고 목적성을 가지고 시작할 때) in the fall of 2016. After delivering our babies, it felt depressing and stifling(스타이플링: 상황이나 장소가 답답하고 숨막히는) to just stay at home all day. So, we formed a group where we could bring along our newborns to study. The kids were so young at first that it was a chaotic mess .. 2024. 9. 24.
9/23 입이 트이는 영어: An Incident with Neighbors An Incident with Neighbors Not long after we moved into our current apartment, our downstairs neighbor knocked on our door. He asked if we could keep it down at night since they had a high school senior in their family. I sincerely apologized and (I) gave my kids a stern talking-to. We've gotten along fine since then.지금 살고 있는 아파트로 이사 온 지 얼마 되지 않아 아래층에 사는 사람이 우리 집 문을 두드렸다. 가족 중에 고3 아이가 있으니 밤에 조금 .. 2024. 9. 23.