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2/17 입이 트이는 영어: Final Broadcast Final Broadcast I received some devastating news recently. The DJ of a radio program I had been a devoted listener of for over 15 years was stepping down. It wasn't for personal reasons but due to changes in the broadcasting schedule. That made it hard to swallow.​얼마 전 청천벽력 같은 소식을 전해 들었다. 내가 15년 이상 애청하던 라디오 프로그램의 DJ가 곧 하차한다는 소식이었다. 개인적인 이유 때문이 아니라, 방송 개편의 일환으로 바뀐다는 소식에 참으로 씁쓸했다. The show had bee.. 2025. 2. 17.
구슬쌤, 스몰톡 4개 https://youtu.be/HDzv3a-LGpc?si=oJojf1dJCkFTEah-  항상 ~했나요? Did you always want to~?/Have you always been~?Did you always want to be a teacher? 항상 교사가 되고 싶으셨어요?Did you always want to be in sales? 항상 세일즈군에서 일하고 싶으셨던 거예요?Have you always been this good at cooking? 항상 이렇게 요리를 잘하셨던 거예요?Have you always been a good speaker? 항상 말재주가 좋으셨나요? What do you like to do? 너 뭐하는 거 좋아해? 라는 물음에 대한 대답으로 드라마 좋아한다고 했을 .. 2025. 2. 14.
2/13 입이 트이는 영어: Old Apartments Old Apartments Our family lives in an old apartment building that's even older than I am. It's the apartment my husband has lived in since he was a child, and I moved in after we got married.​우리 가족은 나보다도 나이가 더 많은 오래된 구축 아파트에 살고 있다. 남편이 어릴 때부터 살던 아파트인데, 결혼하면서 내가 함께 살게 되었다. There are a few things that really bring home how old the apartment is. Around 7 o'clock, when everyone is getting ready for .. 2025. 2. 13.
구슬쌤, You're spot on. https://youtu.be/Yc-1FxCSSZ8?si=ExtLm1m53mLfOd6L  spot on 딱 맞는, 정확한Your analysis was spot on. 네 분석이 정확했어.Your advice was spot on. 네 조언이 적절했어/완벽했어.cf. on the spot 즉석에서, 그 자리에서It was on sale, so I bought it on the spot. 세일해서 바로 샀어.You should have apologized on the spot. 그 자리에서 바로 사과하지 그랬어. hunch 예감, 직감A: What makes you say that? 왜 그렇게 말한거야? B: I have a hunch. 그냥 그런 느낌이 들어서.Good hunch. 촉이 좋은데.I hav.. 2025. 2. 12.