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구슬쌤, It fizzled out.

by 울13 2025. 2. 5.



fizzle out 흐지부지되다 to gradually end

bubbly=champagne 샴페인을 버블리라고 부르기도 함.

A: Are you still seeing her?아직 그녀를 만나? B: No, things just fizzled out between us. 아니, 그냥 흐지부지됐어.

It just fizzled out. = It just fizzled.

That plan just fizzled out. 계획이 그냥 흐지부지됐어.


It depends. 그때그때 달라.

depend on ~에 달려있다, ~에 의해 결정된다

It depends on the situation. 상황을 봐야 결정된다.

It depends on the price. 가격을 봐야 알어.

A: Do you think she'll say yes? 그녀가 yes할 거 같아? B: It depends on her mood. 그녀의 기분에 달려있지.


for the most part 대체로, 보통

It was good for the most part. 대체로 괜찮았어.

I agree with you for the most part. 대체로 네 의견에 동의해.

I agree with you for the most part but we should consider all of our options. 대체로 네 의견에 동의하는데 다른 모든 선택지를 고려해 봐야해.

My wife's nice for the most part. 농담반 진담반/

A: Do you like coffee?커피 좋아해요? B: Umm, I prefer tea for the most part. 전 차를 더 선호해요.= I'm more of a tea person.



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