반응형 영어공부/EBS152 10/17 입이 트이는 영어: My Good Friend, Ami My Good Friend, AmiOur dog "Ami" joined our family when I was 13 years old. I spent all of my school years with Ami. Now Ami is 15 years old. About two years ago, she started developing warts all over her body and stopped reacting to her favorite word, "treat." It seemed like she couldn't hear well. Recently, her condition took a downturn and she can no longer see.내가 13살 때 우리 강아지 '아미(Ami)'가 우리 .. 2024. 10. 17. 10/16 입이 트이는 영어: Drone Pilot Certification Drone Pilot Certification Drones are an eco-friendly mode of transportation that offers convenient benefits. But on the other hand, they are also used as weapons of war, illustrating their dual nature. I first encountered drones while searching for a hobby to enjoy outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.드론은 친환경 교통수단으로 편리한 혜택을 제공해 준다. 그러나 다른 한편으로는 전쟁 무기로도 사용되어서 동전의 양면성을 보여 주고 있다. 나는 코로나19 유행 당시 실외.. 2024. 10. 16. 10/15 입이 트이는 영어: Applauding Myself Applauding Myself I used to study "입트영" using only my phone and e-books for quite some time. As a result, I often skipped a day, and it felt like I wasn't getting the most out of my studies. So, at the start of 2023, I decided to sign up for a one-year subsciption to the printed textbook. I resolved to study every day. Monday through Friday, without missing a single day.나는 한동안 '입트영'을 휴대폰과 이북으로만 .. 2024. 10. 15. 10/14 입이 트이는 영어: Retracing a Trip After 15 Years Retracing a Trip After 15 Years What remains unchanged as time passes? Memories fade, and youth diminishes, but the memories of shared moments seem to stay alive in their places.시간이 흘러도 변하지 않는 것은 무엇일까? 기억도 변하고, 사람의 젊음도 변하지만, 함께한 순간의 추억은 그 공간 안에서 살아 있는 듯하다. 15 years after my honeymoon in Germany, I returned there with my children. The historic(historical 역사적인/historic 역사적으로 의미가 있는) buildings sti.. 2024. 10. 14. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 38 다음 반응형