반응형 영어공부292 구슬쌤, I was under the impression that~ https://youtu.be/42AAJbhGuN4?si=Nv6PQYsScRKQe2UJ impressive 인상 깊을 정도로 대단한make a good first impression 좋은 첫인상을 주다He didn't make a good first impression. 그는 첫인상이 별로였어. 1. I was under the impression that ~라는 인상을 받았었어/~라고 생각했었어내가 받은 인상이 긴가민가 할 때(~인 줄 알았는데 아닌걸까?)/내가 잘못 알았던 것을 깨달았을 때(~라고 생각했는데 아니었어)예시)A: I was under the impression that it was a done deal. 다 된 거래라고 생각했는데 아니었나 봐요?B: IT IS a done deal. I.. 2024. 9. 11. 9/11 입이 트이는 영어: My Student's Graduation My Student's Graduation I have been an elementary school teacher for 10 years. This year, I became the homeroom teacher for a group of 6th graders. I have taught various grades over the years, but this is my first time being a 6th-grade homeroom teacher.저는 10년째 초등학교 교사로 재직 중입니다. 올해는 6학년 담임을 맡게 되었습니다. 그동안 여러 학년을 가르쳐 봤지만, 6학년 담임이 된 것은 처음입니다. I found it challenging to guide children who are going t.. 2024. 9. 11. 9/10 입이 트이는 영어: My War Against Mosquitoes My War Against Mosquitoes When my eldest daughter was five years old, she was so thin and weak that she frequently fell ill. I was constantly worried. One summer night, I put her to sleep inside a mosquito net, but she still got about ten mosquito bites on her feet alone. a mosquito had managed to get inside the net even though I had turned on a mosquito repellent. ex) I got a mosquito bite.첫째 .. 2024. 9. 10. 9/9 입이 트이는 영어: Looking After Stray Cats Looking After Stray Cats I am a father raising a child in Sejong City, and also a father figure to stray cats(캣맘,캣대디 안씀) in the neighborhood.저는 세종시에서 한 아이를 키우는 아빠이면서 동시에 동네 길고양이들의 캣대디입니다. One day in the fall of 2017, I came across a mother cat and her litter of four kittens near the recycling area of our apartment complex. They cried sadly, as if telling me they were hungry, so I started feeding.. 2024. 9. 9. 이전 1 ··· 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ··· 73 다음 반응형