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9/3 입이 트이는 영어: Koreans' Love of Cold Water Koreans' Love of Cold Water Koreans have a strong preference for cold water.Most people here favor ice-cold water. On the other hand, I remember being surprised on a business trip to China when I found that the water coolers did not dispense cold water.한국인들은 유난히 찬물을 더 좋아하는 경향이 있습니다. 대부분의 사람들이 냉수를 선호합니다. 반면에, 제가 중국으로 출장을 갔을 때 정수기에서 냉수가 나오지 않아 당황했던 기억이 있습니다. One theory is that this is a cultural d.. 2024. 9. 3.
9/2 입이 트이는 영어: Trips to Hot Springs Trips to Hot Springs Our family loves bathing in hot springs, so we travel across the country to visit them regardless of the seasons. Our preschooler son has been going into the men's hot spring baths with his dad since he was three years old. He really enjoys it because he can move between hot and cold, and herbal baths and take his time bathing.저희 가족은 온천욕을 좋아해서 계절을 가리지 않고 전국에 있는 온천을 찾아다닙니다. 유.. 2024. 9. 2.
8/30 입이 트이는 영어: Supporting the Disabled Supporting the Disabled I work at the local district office. My job is to support civil servants who are visually impaired.저는 구청에서 근무하고 있습니다. 시각 장애가 있는 공무원의 업무를 지원해 주는 일을 하고 있습니다. Some people are under the notion that visually impaired individuals can only read using Braille. But nowadays, most of them use computers and mobil devices. They use screen reader programs to browse the web, use messen.. 2024. 8. 30.
8/29 입이 트이는 영어: Meeting a Compatriot at Frankfurt Airport Meeting a Compatriot at Frankfurt Airport A few years ago, I had to transfer to a flight to Stockholm at an airport in Frankfurt. I needed to find Lufthansia Airlines to check in for my flight, but Frankfurt Airport was so huge that I couldn't find my way. 수년 전, 저는 프랑크푸르트 공항에서 스톡홀름으로 가는 비행기를 갈아타야 할 일이 있었습니다. 탑승 수속을 하기 위해 루프트한자 항공사를 찾아야 했는데, 프랑크푸르트 공항이 너무 넓어서 찾기가 힘들었습니다. I tried asking for direct.. 2024. 8. 29.