as much as: ~이지만
As much as I love chocolate, I need to cut down on sweets.
내가 초콜릿을 좋아하지만, 단 것을 줄여야 한다.
l love chocolate, but I need to cut down on sweets. 초콜릿을 좋아하는데, 그렇지만 단 것을 줄여야 한다.(단 것을 줄여야 하는 것을 강조)
as much as는 단 것을 좋아하는 것=단 것을 줄여야 하는 것
As much as I understand her situation, we can't make exceptions for just one person. 그녀의 상황을 이해하지만, 한 사람에게만 예외를 둘 수는 없다.
뒤에 안 좋은 사실을 전할 때, 뼈때리는 조언을 하기 전에
As much as I wanna say yes, our budget is limited. 예스라고 말하고 싶지만 예산이 한정되어 있어요.
As much as I wanna help you, it's not my area of expertise. 도와드리고 싶지만, 제 전문 분야가 아니라서요.
As much as I appreciate your effort, I need more tangible results. 너의 노력을 고맙게 여기긴 하는데, 실질적인 결과가 더 필요해. *tangible 눈에 보이는, 실질적인
As much as I want to side with you, I think you went too far this time. 니 편을 들어주고 싶지만, 이번엔 니가 너무 심했어.
As much as I enjoy your company, I have an early day tomorrow. 함께 있어서 즐겁지만 내일 아침 일찍부터 일정이 있어서 말이야.
as much as ~만큼
Don't be shy. Take as much as you want. 눈치 보지 말고 원하는 만큼 가져가도 돼.
A: What do you think? B: I don't like this one as much (as the others). 다른 것만큼 더 맘에 들진 않네.
not as much as I used to 예전만큼 ~하지 않은
I don't drink as much as I used to. 나는 예전만큼 술을 많이 마시지 않아.
as much as possible 가능한 최대한 많이
I need to save as much as possible. 가능한한 많이 저축해야 해.
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