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6/14 EBS Easy English, 입트영

by 울13 2024. 6. 14.

6/14 Easy English

They're so breathable. 통기성이 아주 좋아.

Sarah : These linen shirts are perfect for summer. They're so breathable. 이 리넨 셔츠들은 여름에 딱이네. 통기성이 아주 좋아.

Jack : Agreed! And these cotton shorts feel so soft and comfortable. 그런 것 같아. 그리고 이 면 반바지들은 무척 부드럽고 편안해.

Sarah : Let's check the sizes. I think I'll go for a medium in this top. 사이즈를 한번 보자. 이 윗도리는 미디엄 사이즈를 입어 볼까 해.

Jack : I'll go for a large in the shirts. Can't have them too tight in this heat. 난 그 셔츠 라지 사이즈로 입어 볼게. 이런 더위에 그 옷을 너무 꼭 끼게 입을 수는 없으니까.

Sarah : Definitely. Comfort is key, especially during the summer. 물론이지. 편안한 게 최고야, 특히 여름 동안에는.

6/14 입이 트이는 영어

Learning an Instrument

I'm a working professional learning piano and violin as a hobby. I studied piano for about 5 years in grade school. If I add up all the periods here and there, I must have studied piano for at least 10 years. As for the violin, I've been taking lessons for about 3 years. I take piano and violin lessons from a married couple every other week. I learn violin from the wife and piano from the husband.

It's not easy to practice an instrument every day at home while keeping a day job. Since I live in an apartment, I can't practice until late at night. To minimize noise, I installed soundproofing mats under the piano and use a mute on the violin. Still, I'm always nervous that there might be noise complaints.

But practicing instuments helps me decompress after work. It seems to clear my mind, which I really appreciate. Also, there's a sense of satisfaction knowing that I didn't waste my time.

the periods here and there 간헐적인 기간

keep a day job 본업을 유지하다

decompress after work 퇴근 후 스트레스를 풀다

<암기> I like to listen to music to decompress after work. 나는 퇴근 후 스트레스를 풀기 위해 음악을 즐겨 듣는다.

Dialogue Practice

A: Are you learning both piano and violin? 피아노와 바이올린 둘 다 배우세요?

B: Yes, I try to make time to practice them both. 네, 시간을 내서 두 가지 모두 연습하려고 해요.

A: Wow, that's really impressive. 와, 정말 멋지시네요.

B: Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if I had taken lessons back when I was young. 가끔 어렸을 때부터 배웠으면 어땠을까 하는 생각이 들 때도 있어요.

A: Still, it's really admirable that you're taking on the challenge now. 그래도 지금이라도 도전하는 모습이 정말 멋져요.

B: Thank you. I hope to use what I've learned to help others someday. 고마워요. 언젠가는 배운 것을 활용해서 다른 사람들을 돕는 일도 해 보고 싶어요.

try to make time 시간을 내려고 하다

wonder how it would have been 어땠을지 상상해 보다

take on the challenge 도전하다


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