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8/22 입이 트이는 영어: Our Dog, Champ Our Dog, Champ​We live with a companion animal, a poodle named Champ. We brought him home as a little puppy in 2013 after my daughter took her college entrance exam. 우리는 '챔프'라는 이름의 반려견 푸들 한 마리와 함께 살고 있다. 2013년 딸리 대학 수학 능력 시험을 치고 난 후에, 어린 강아지를 집으로 데리고 왔다.​My wife was very upset because the puppt wasn't housebroken and would relieve himself anywhere in the house, But now she has grown very attache.. 2024. 8. 22.
8/16 입이 트이는 영어: Studying "입트영" independently Studying "입트영" independently I have been studying "입트영" on my own for three years.* I wake up at 6 o'clock on the dot. Then, I recite the "입트영" dialogue. My principle is to memorize each day's dialogue on the day of. When the "입트영" broadcast starts, I get ready to take dictation. I have the textbook, but taking dictation helps me focus on the broadcast.저는 '입트영'을 3년째 혼자 공부하고 있습니다. 일단 6시 정각에 기상을 합.. 2024. 8. 16.
8/14 입이 트이는 영어: Moonlight Rainbow Fountain Show Moonlight Rainbow Fountain Show​Our family rode our bicycles for about an hour and a half to see the moonlight Rainbow Fountain Show at Banpo Bridge on the Han River. The fountain show operates three to seven times a day from April to October. We thought the 7:30 PM show would be the prettiest, so we timed our arrival accordingly.우리 가족은 한강 반포 대교에서 하는 '달빛 무지개 분수 쇼'를 보려고 자전거를 타고 한 시간 반가량을 갔어요. 분수 .. 2024. 8. 14.
8/13 입이 트이는 영어:Smartwatches Smartwatches A smartwatch is a wearable device that you can strap on your wrist. It performs a variety of tasks in addition to telling the time.스마트워치는 손목에 착용하는 웨어러블 기기입니다. 시계의 기능을 포함하여 다양한 작업을 수행합니다. First, a smartwatch can monitor various exercises. You can easily check your total workout time and the calories you've burned at a glance. Second, a smartwatch can be paired with your smarphone, al.. 2024. 8. 14.