반응형 영어공부292 8/8 입이 트이는 영어:Moving to a Rented Apartment Moving to a Rented ApartmentI am a mother of two daughters, celebrating 8 years of marriage. My husband and I have moved three times since we got married, and we are about to embark on our fourth move.저는 결혼 8년 차에 딸을 둘 둔 엄마입니다. 저와 남편은 결혼하고 나서 이사를 세 번 했고, 곧 네 번째 이사를 앞두고 있습니다.We have moved for various reasons over the years. After living in our first home as newlyweds, we moved closer to my paren.. 2024. 8. 8. 8/7 입이 트이는 영어:Buying a Used Car Buying a Used CarI finally got my driver's license recently, so I decided to take the plunge and buy a car. I was tired of commuting by public transportation for so long. Plus, I liked the idea that having a car would change my life, since it would enable me to move about more freely.최근에 드디어 운전면허를 땄다. 그래서 큰맘 먹고 차를 구매하기로 결심을 했다. 오랜 대중교통 출퇴근에 지치기도 했고, 차가 있으면 이동이 더 자유로워지기 때문에 삶이 달라진다는 이야기에 혹하기도 했다.. 2024. 8. 7. 8/1 입이 트이는 영어:Volunteering at an Animal Shelter Volunteering at an Animal Shelter In 2017, I moved into a new house and started raising two dogs. One of them was adopted from an animal shelter. The idea of "Adopt, don't shop," deeply resonated with me, which led me to adopt. This adopted dog has become part of the family, and we've been living together happily for seven years.2017년 주택으로 새로 이사하면서 개 두 마리를 키우기 시작했다. 그중 한 마리는 유기견 보호소에서 입양한 개였다. '.. 2024. 8. 1. 7/30 입이 트이는 영어: After-School Orchestra After-School OrchestraMy eldest son entered the middle school of his choice this year. One of the best features of the school is that there is a wide variety of after-school programs.첫째 아들이 올해 원하던 중학교에 입학을 하였다. 그 학교의 특징 중 가장 마음에 드는 점은 바로 방과후 프로그램이 다양하다는 것이다.I got started with my musical activities by playing the flute at school in 7th grade. I have fond memories of those times, so I suggested .. 2024. 7. 30. 이전 1 ··· 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ··· 73 다음 반응형