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1/27 입이 트이는 영어: Jaw Health Jaw Health I felt a pain in my left jaw while I was eating a while back. I tried chewing on the other side, but the pain persisted in my left jaw. When I tried to open my mouth, my left jaw wouldn't open properly.​얼마 전에 밥을 먹는데 왼쪽 턱이 아팠습니다. 반대쪽으로 먹어 봤는데, 그럼에도 불구하고 왼쪽 턱에 통증이 계속 있었습니다. 입을 벌리려고 해 보니, 왼쪽 턱이 잘 벌어지지 않았어요. I went to the hospital, got a dental X-ray, and consulted with a doctor. The doct.. 2025. 1. 27.
구슬쌤, 자주 쓰는 이디엄 4개 https://youtu.be/S2Vjs038j1Q?si=5gfRVlcFwwIoClw2 It's good to go. 다 준비됐어/ 이대로 가면 돼.A: Is everything all set for the meeting? 미팅 다 준비됐어? B: Yes, we're good to go. 응, 다 준비됐어.Everything looks good. It's good to go. 모든 게 좋네. 이대로 가면 되겠다.You're good to go. 이대로 가셔도 좋겠네요. =You're all set. No news is good news. 무소식이 희소식이다.They say(=as they say=you know what they say) no news is good news. 무소식이 희소식이라고들 하잖.. 2025. 1. 24.
1/24 입이 트이는 영어: Spending Time with Mom Spending Time with Mom If I think about it, I am grateful to my mom for so many things. I especially appreciate that she is very dedicated to helping us learn English. Every night at bedtime, my mom reads English storybooks to my younger sibling and me. Mom reads the books so vividly that sometimes it feels like I am inside the story.생각해 보면 나는 엄마에게 고마운 게 참 많다. 그중에서도 특히 우리가 영어를 배우는 것에 정말 열심이셔서 감사.. 2025. 1. 24.
1/23 입이 트이는 영어: TESOL Certification TESOL Certification Back when I was young, we started learning English in middle school. But nowadays, children seem to start even before entering grade school. My child turned six recently, and I naturally started to take an interest in English education. Seeing other kids that age attending English academies made me feel anxious.​내가 어렸을 때는 중학교에 들어가서 영어를 배우기 시작했는데, 요즘은 아이들이 초등학교에 들어가기도 전부터 영어를 .. 2025. 1. 23.