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1/15 입이 트이는 영어: Drum Lessons Drum Lessons I learned to play the drums for a year. I started at a young age because a family member had learned the drums first. Out of envy, I decided to give it a try myself. I was shorter than my friends and worried that it might be a problem, but I discovered that the drum stool and other equipment could be adjusted to my height, making it easy to learn.​저는 1년간 드럼을 배웠습니다. 어린 나이에 드럼을 배우게 된 .. 2025. 1. 15.
1/14 입이 트이는 영어:Stress Management Stress Management In early 2020, I underwent a surgery called microvascular decompression. This procedure involves general anesthesia and opening the skull to operate inside the head. I was scared half to death, as I had never had a surgery under general anesthesia before.​저는 2020년 초에 미세혈관 감압술(microvascular decompression)이라는 수술을 받았습니다. 이 수술은 전신 마취를 하고 두개골을 절개하여 머릿속을 수술하는 것입니다. 저는 그때까지 한 번도 전신 마취.. 2025. 1. 14.
1/13 입이 트이는 영어: Conception Dreams Conception Dreams A taemong, or conception(임신) dream, is a type of precognitive dream. These dreams are experienced by the expectant couple, their family members, or close acquaintances. The people who have such dreams learn(=find out) that they are expecting, or tell others they know who are hoping for a baby to check whether they are pregnant.​태몽은 일종의 예지몽이다. 임신한 부부 혹은 그들의 가족이나 가까운 지인들이 꾸는 꿈이다... 2025. 1. 13.
구슬쌤, I have a way with them. https://youtu.be/Qou_s5vujAc?si=VwVywVPrx0WakKQ5  타고난 재능, 능력을 칭찬할 때have a way with ~에 특별한 재능이 있다, ~을 잘 다룬다She has a way with children. 그녀는 아이들을 잘 다룬다.=She's good with children.You have a way with people. 넌 사람들을 잘 다루잖아.You have a way with words. 넌 말을 참 잘해. 말재주가 있어. =You're good with words.You're a natural. 타고 났구나.You're a natural salesman. 넌 타고난 세일즈맨이다.=You're a born salesman. 큰 노력없이 처음부터 잘 됐을 때c.. 2025. 1. 10.