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9/19 입이 트이는 영어: Living Alone for the First Time Living Alone for the First Time Sometimes, I find myself thinking about my days living in a dorm as a student. I got accepted into a university far from home, and it was my first time living apart from my parents.문득 나의 학창 시절 기숙사 생활이 떠오를 때가 있다. 나는 타지에 있는 대학교에 합격하면서 부모님과 처음올 떨어져 살게 되었다. Some kids arrived at the dorm with their parents' car packed with belongings. But I traveled by bus with my mom,.. 2024. 9. 19.
9/18 입이 트이는 영어: Gold medalist Pro Gamers Gold medalist Pro Gamers For the generation in their 20s and 30s, e-sports are just as popular as traditional sports. Reflecting this popularity, e-sports were included as an official event at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.2030 세대에게는 전통 스포츠만큼이나 e-스포츠가 인기가 있습니다. 이러한 인기에 힘입어, 제19회 항저우 아시안 게임에서는 e-스포츠가 정식 종목으로 채택되기도 했습니다. The most popular game is "League of Legends(LoL)," an online game where te.. 2024. 9. 18.
9/17 입이 트이는 영어: Korean Broadcasts with English Subtitles Korean Broadcasts with English Subtitles When I first started studying English, I made a resolution to only consume content in English. But as time passed, I began to miss out on many Korean TV shows. Sometimes, I felt like I was falling behind the times. 처음 영어 공부를 시작했을 때는 영어로 되어 있는 콘텐츠만 보기로 마음먹었다. 그러나 시간이 지나면서 놓치는 한국 드라마들이 많아지기 시작했다. 가끔은 유행에 뒤처지는 느낌이 들기도 했다. So, to keep up with Korean content a.. 2024. 9. 17.
9/16 입이 트이는 영어: Preparing for Grade School Preparing for Grade School My child will soon be entering elementary school. The thought of my child starting grade school next year made me feel a bit anxious. I've heard that while kindergarteners return home after 4 in the afternoon, grade school kids come home shortly after lunch. That means there isn't much free time left over for the moms. 아이가 어느새 초등학교 입학을 앞두고 있습니다. 아이가 내년에 초등학교를 간다는 생각이 들.. 2024. 9. 16.