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구슬쌤, I can't get over this. https://youtu.be/MXvgRD0nXzo?si=NVAgaVkfjFJAqkrE  brush off ~을 무시하다Brush it off. 무시해버려.훌훌 털고 넘어가.Don't let it get to you(기분 나쁜 말이 너에게 영향을 주게끔 내버려두지 마). Just brush it off. 그 말에 영향 받지 말고 훌훌 털어버려. Don't let it ruin your day. Just brush it off. 그것 때문에 하루를 망칠 순 없잖아. 그냥 무시해.You can't please everyone. Just brush it off. 모든 사람을 만족시킬 순 없는거야. 그냥 무시해.It really hurt my feelings. I can't just brush it off. 진.. 2024. 12. 20.
12/20 입이 트이는 영어: Leasing Real Estate Leasing Real Estate​I am a 30-something woman working in real estate rentals. I own a small building, which provides me with a monthly rental income to live on. With this steady, passive income coming in every month, I thought I didn't need a regular desk job at first. I felt blessed, enjoying a life of leisure and travel while others were working.저는 부동산 임대업에 종사하는 30대 여성입니다. 작은 건물을 소유해 매달 월세를 받아.. 2024. 12. 20.
12/19 입이 트이는 영어: The Problem with Golf Courses The Problem with Golf Courses Golf has gained popularity recently, becoming a common hobby among people my age. However, golf courses have a significant impact on our environment.​최근에 골프의 인기가 많아지면서, 골프는 제 동년배들 사이에서 심심찮게 보이는 취미가 되었습니다. 그러나 골프장이 우리 환경에 끼치는 영향도 만만치 않습니다. One of the biggest issues with golf courses is that they waste water. A single golf course consumes about 1,000 tons of water per.. 2024. 12. 19.
12/18 입이 트이는 영어: Damaged Passport Damaged Passport These days, it seems like more families take advantage of the long weekends around holidays(주말 낀 연휴) to go on trips abroad. I was quite envious to hear that a friend was going to Vietnam with her in-laws during the recent Lunar New Year holiday. I met her after the holiday to hear all about the trip, but she told me a surprising story instead.​요즘에는 명절마다 긴 연휴를 이용해서 해외여행을 가는 가정이 더.. 2024. 12. 18.