반응형 영어공부290 구슬쌤, Time is of the essence. https://youtu.be/Cz9ZwiiB5as?si=5-_03L4LQ_YlDLgTof the essence: 가장 중요한Time is of the essence. 시간이 생명이야. 시간이 중요해. (격식있게) 서둘러.We need to get this done ASAP. Time is of the essence. 우린 이것부터 최대한 빨리 해결해야 해. 시간이 생명이야. Please make this your top priority. Time is of the essence. 이것부터 우선으로 처리해 주세요. 서둘러 주세요.Timing is of the essence. Speed is of the essence. 등등 unheard of 전례가 없는, 금시초문의We should buy more. T.. 2024. 12. 11. 12/10 입이 트이는 영어: Having Twins Having Twins I am a mother of three boys: my eldest son and two younger twins. I remember being bowled over(예상치 못한 일; =be astonished=be blown away=be knocked off my feet) the day | had my ultrasound during my second pregnancy when the doctor told me I was expecting twins. Neither my husband nor I have(주어:I) a history of twins in our families, so it was completely unexpected. *Are you expecting? .. 2024. 12. 10. 12/9 입이 트이는 영어: Package Tours Package Tours My husband and I don't have much experience with traveling. So, we've usually opted for package or group tours rather than self-guided tours.우리 부부는 여행 경험이 별로 없다. 그래서 자유 여행보다는 패키지 여행이나 단체 여행을 주로 선택해 왔다.Recently, we went on a package tour with our children to Vietnam's Da Nang. The trip was being sold on a TV home shopping channel. The guide suggested optional tours that required ex.. 2024. 12. 9. 12/6 입이 트이는 영어: Lunchtime Lunchtime If there's one sweet moment in a working person's day, it would have to be lunchtime. Many workers briefly have trouble choosing what to eat, but it's still an enjoyable time. It's a break from work where you can have some time for yourself or casually meet with others.직장인의 일과 중 꿀맛 같은 시간을 꼽으라면 점심시간일 것이다. 많은 직장인들은 메뉴 선택으로 인해 잠시 고민에 빠지긴 하지만, 그래도 즐거운 시간이다. 잠시 업무에서 벗어나 자신만을 위한 시간을 보내거나 다른.. 2024. 12. 6. 이전 1 ··· 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ··· 73 다음 반응형